Is the world perfect becoz of misfits or is the misfits that the world is perfect? See, I juz said I'm a misfit.

Monday, October 08, 2007


Woah... Misty can't seem to remember when the last last tym sumthing interesting happened or had any nice pics to post or blog. It has been a while... so long...

This is once again, what working life is like. To think why last tym Misty awiz ask LiP why she awiz take sooo long to haf a new entry. So this is what it is like.

Once again the weekend flew passed like wind... besides the Fri drinks wid workmates & Sat nite spent on house-session beers and looong hrs of gaming, Sun came and went after 18 hrs of sleep... woahhhhh....

Anyhow, Misty's folk's coming down under next mth on her Bday... using the date as an excuse to come golfing. Well, get used to it.. It's Mum & Dad... Better than nt coming at all?? Sometyms Misty really wonder... is it the dotter or the golf... Being in Perth is jux another "simpler" excuse?

Coming to qtr centuary old ain't a joke. Can actually feel the toll of age physically and mentally. Juz cant seem to find the energy to "tiong" like last tym...

Haha... but my dearest LiP, you get IT first, once again, yearly! I still love u....

Till then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww... so sweet you!


Now you finally know why is it so hard to even find time to blog nevertheless remember what that is so significant to blog about.

Then again, I always have none.

Tue Oct 09, 09:29:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go join facebook.

You are demanded.

Tue Oct 09, 09:30:00 AM

Blogger David Perry said...

18 hours of sleep? Bloody hell, where did you learn to do that? BE thankful you're not working in Singapore with the long hours that people have to do there. If you went into school, you'd be home by half past 3. hehe

Ooh, soon to be 25 eh? Lucky you, I went to reply to your blog and then realised I'd totally forgotten what you had written. I had to open your blog again in order to make a relevant reply.

So when are we going to be able to meet up? FnkyMnky is back too so we could all meet up together.

Tue Oct 09, 07:22:00 PM


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