Back from Melbourne
... and I'm missing it already!!
One reason why I enjoy Melb, even tho the air & the streets are not as clean/fresh as Perth. look @ the number of people on the roads on a Tuesday morning. And even at night... it's not like dead town perth-atic -_-
This is sooo gd - Japanese Food - and please... for all of you wondering what to eat along Smith, check Wabi Sabi out... the place is sooo nicely decorated & the food is fantastic!
*yumm drooools*
*yumm drooools*

What can I say? The cakes here r damn good la... see oso feel hungry... dun tok abt eating!!
So, this is pretty much it for my 5 days in Melb. Surprisingly, I did not try my hand @ Crown and more surprisingly, Misty did MINIMAL shopping! Nothing damaging... bought Master stuff from Laguna & T2, which as expected, he liked them more than anything designer that I would usually buy. For once, he said I used my brain.. So mean rite, buy present still like this say me!!
*heartache* When Misty returned to Perth that day, she followed Master to work @ the pizza inn... so poor thing. Master work soo hard, Misty see already oso heart pain. Master working very hard... Haf to be kitchenhand, telephone operator, cleaner, driver... all in one job, with so lil' pay!! -_-" The place had poor ventilation as well... juz like pizza in the oven... plus its summer now & its farking bloody hot! and poor Master lost weight while Misty was away... =(
Oi , why u talk like that one har?
This little misty go 2 market
This little misty stay at home
This little misty had roast pork
This little misty had none
This little misty cried.... wee wee wee all the way home !!!
Can go melb cannot come home is it?
Got 2 kids for u 2 babysit hor !!!
hehehe !!!
Tue Dec 19, 07:28:00 PM
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