Misty finally got the pics from Princess Adrina. Boy, I tell you, it's gonna be such a long blog + the amt of pics to upload... *shudders*
This trip down South had definately made a memory bookmark in Misty's tym spent in Perth. It was so packed with drama.. even b4 we left?! It was an initially 7-person trip, den 9, den 4, den 5 and then finally back to 9 juz 2 hrs before we left for Esperance in the morning at 4am...*shake head* Anyway, here goes...
Day 1 - The 1st pit-stop @ Brookton. This was almost a 3-hrs drive from Perth city and 1 joey was "sacrificed" and a few hundred bugs killed on the way.

Don't dis look like a car ad? SUKUZI....

Then it started raining.. =( So we had to hurry seek shelter in our rides and go on with our journey. By the time we reached Esperance... we decided to knock out... after a fab dinner prepared by Princess Adrina. I think Esperance is really the "sua-ba" of Australia... even tho' its well known coz' while we were getting groceries at IGA, in fact on the way there after Ravensthorpe, locals were looking at us as if we were aliens from Asia...*gulpz*
Day 2 - Tho' the weather was still cloudy & rainy... we made our trip on the 40km Great Ocean Drive.
Den at some drop-down lagoon place where we stop for lunch. Princess Adrina and Misty dreaded this. Juz look at the long flight of stairs. Who said we can't work out on a holiday like this? Both our thighs were aching at the end of the day...

Next stop was the Western Power Wind Farm... One snake died along the way *sob* and prob by now 1000 bugs. Say, road kill IS part of road trip???
The last of this Great Ocean Drive was a scenic view of Pink Lake. A lake that is supposedly vivid pink in color (chk it out on google) But a pity when we saw it, it looked juz normal... =P
The day ended with a BBQ before the stormy nite took over. For some reason, the beds in the apartments, which all 9 of us agree, was really comfy. Sleeping haven felt sooo gd for a while!

Day 3 - The morning started with 5 of us gng on an eco-cruise to Woody Island while both Royal Highnesses and the 2 funky babes stayed behind and glorified their beds. As usual, becoz it's a cruise, which means gng on a ship/boat/katamaran, Misty was seasick. AGAIN. But this time it was worth it coz Misty gotta see wildlife in their natural state! Seals, sea-lions, dolphins (Misty's fav part =) !!!), goats, eagles... ok, erm. the goat part isn't exactly Natural coz they were left on some island out of the 105 Archipaelago. Whatever...
Okay, apparently there's an interesting story abt this place but Misty wasn't exactly listening to the guide coz' it was freaking cold & windy & it started to drizzle. Worse... Misty started to feel sick at this point of the trip. (-_-") Anyhow.. it's abt how this ship sunk and this dog named Twiggy swam to this landing that was shallow and survived on this landing for 6 mths b4 it was found. Smart doggy... =) Something like tt. Smart Misty.
Anywayz... in order not to waste this last day, the whole gang round up once more and we went to Cape Le Grand National Park. I tell you... this is the MOST INTERESTING day of the entire trip. coz' half way to Cape Le Grand, the other car realised that they ran out of petrol and to turn bk was approx 120km which they cldn't make it back... To make things more intense... Mr Z. kept farting along the way... Adding to the natural atmosphere of the national park environment. It was the moment of the year... imagine getting stuck in the middle of the park... w no petrol, no water, no toilet... haha... Drama. Thinking back at the faces of the girls... damn funny. Ok.

Mr. Z was kicked outta his ride coz the girls wanted to save petrol by lightening the car.
Thank God he din fart here.
Finally @ Cape Le Grand Beach. This is the beach that you see on the W.A. advertisement with the kangaroo lying on the beach. This view is 100% maginificent. Misty honestly recommend all in W.A. to make this drive there. There are 2 more famous and really gd-looking beaches, Hellfire and Lucky bay. But due to unforeseen circumstances, we cldn't make it there... Next tym perhaps.

The water was really cold. Misty shuddered at the tot of gng into the water but heck. Once in a lifetime... so freaking cold that kena feverish later part in the nite.

Final Day - Being adventurous, we din go back according to the planned route. Went towards Lake Grace, Wagin, Arthur Williams and finally via Albany Hwy. The scenery was great, on the road that doesn't seem to end. 115km non-stop str8 str8 road... *yawnz* Luckily Chris was a cautious driver coz Misty swerved the car towards Ravensthorpe. scary. very scary.
This is prob. the last leg of the cam-whoring session for this road trip coz it was Misty's turn to zzzZZzzzz on the remaining 400+ km back to Perth.
Total distance travelled: 1800+++ km
Avg. Travelling time 1-way: 11 hrs for abt 760km
Total road kill: 1 snake, maybe 1 joey, maybe 1 possum and 2000+ bugs. No humans.
And back are the days drowning with laziness and assignments.... (-_-) heh.
{Total blog time for this entry: 2.5 hrs .... Tired}
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