A total screw up
Misty hate to come to a point in life to admit that certain things in her life have been a total screw up. Neither does she like to be name or percieved as one. In the worst case scenario, she hates to percieve herself as one.
Yet, the moment has come.
Not sure if she herself had caused situations like this occur, constantly stuck on a T-junction, not knowing which direction to take. Or rather which direction the Almighty One wants her to take.
This has been a totally fucked up week come n gone, and things have yet to turn for the better.
Seems that everything is starting to fall apart, at this so called "auspicious" moment.
Hate it when my grades start to suffer, hate it when my emotions get the better of me. Someone told me in life, its not fight-or-flight, and I haf the tendency to "flight".
Now is this moment in time I want to choose "flight".
Evil Seduction = Stay away!!
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